What is keeping kids occupied at home?
Here's a list of things we have found happening around the world. Things that kids are doing to stay happy at home and some ideas to try.
Camping out in the back yard.
Some lucky kid's with back gardens and tents are having a camp out and looking at the stars.
Ok, so your view from your tent may not be quite the same if it's in your back yard but you get the idea?
Teddy Bear hunts
Many kids have been joining in their local hunts by placing teddy bears in a window facing onto the street. The idea was started to keep small children actively interested when going on their daily walks. Spotting teddy bears when out and about has become a world wide activity.
Inspired by the book "We’re Going on a Bear Hunt", teddy bears have been showing up in windows of homes all across the world, and now here in Westman. Image thanks to U of G on twitter
Make brown-bag lunches for a local shelter.
Many shelters my need extra help feeding all the extra people who are needing support. You could contact a local shelter to find out if it's welcoming bagged lunches, and if so create decorate some bags and pack a sandwich and fruit lunch to drop off.
Help clean the house.
Cleaning the house is a satisfying thing to do. It's a great time to help sweep, vacuum and mop and learn how to wash your own clothes.
Kids are learning to make much needed masks. Photo thanks to Lynda Nijensohn
Sewing masks.
Hospitals are suffering a shortage of protective masks, and the CDC is now recommending that everyone wear masks outside the house. A mum has made a how-to video for sewing masks if you are a sewer. Some kids feel more comfortable with glue and they can make no-sew masks.
Thank you signs for teachers, health care workers and delivery people.
Some kids are displaying thank you's at their front doors, on garden trees or other local areas to thank people who are working on the frontline.
Weekly online chats with grandparents.
Scheduling weekly Skype, FaceTime or Zoom chats gives isolated grandparents and other relatives or friends, something to look forward to. Kids are explaining instructions, on getting online, to grandparents who need help, over the phone.
Help someone in a nursing home.
An organization called Love for the Elderly would love your handmade cards and delivers them to nursing homes around the world. Some kids have also contacted aged care homes in their area and arranged to send cards and letters.
Cheery window art in Pennsylvania helps keep spirits up. Photo thanks to Amy Perez-Walker
Inspiring people passing by.
In Italy children started sharing hand drawn rainbows and motivational messages to decorate their balconies and windows with the words "andra tutto bene" which means everything will be alright. The idea spread around the world with children sharing messages and drawings to lift our spirits.
Get books from your local Little Free Library.
Do you have a local Little Free Library where you can swap books? if not some kids are helping to create their own in an old letterbox or by building their own. How to Build a Little Free Library for Your Neighborhood
Create or donate to a Little Free Pantry
Some girls in Sydney Australia, found a large unwanted cupboard on the side of the road. This gave them the idea to create a Free Pantry, which they call a blessing Box. the idea is similar to the little free libraries around the world. They stocked their pantry with canned goods, rice, pasta and other packeted goods that they could spare. Within days people were giving and taking from their cupboard.
The Newtown Blessing Box began with a recycled cupboard and some tins. Now it's feeding the community and inspiring people across Sydney.
Gather clothing to donate.
Kids are sorting through their clothes and finding unneeded clothes they have grown out of or no longer love. they are donating them to local charities and clothing bins.
Create a video.
There are millions of videos on youtube but not many by kids. You could create a video to share there. Maybe a 'How To' video would be great to start. For example how I decluttered my bedroom in 6 easy steps or my top 5 tips for surviving at home
Declutter your bedroom.
Some kids have been really enjoying cleaning out their rooms Marie Kondo style which means working continuously until you finish each area and others just like to do about 15 minutes a day. They say it makes them feel really organised.
Organise a family game's night
Get out all the old board games and card games and set a night each week to get together for good old fashioned competitive fun.
Set up a household jigsaw puzzle
If you have a table where you can leave a jig saw while it is being done, the whole family can have turns as they feel like it.
Chalk the sidewalk.
In the USA, kids are taking their chalk to the sidewalk. driveways and cul-de-sacs). Many messages are being drawn including thank you's, hand washing reminders, and more.
Create an indoor scavenger hunt for a toddler.
Little kids love playing hide and seek well here is an alternative - a check list scavenger hunt for children aged around 3 and older. It has items you might find around your home.
Tags: happy at home